Auth-Service for Wallets

Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2022


VeChains combination of Connex & Sync2 provide a good experience for user authentication.

The drawback is that it requires an implementation of Connex and and crypto libraries on the Client. It is not “plug & play” available in all the existing applications.

Starting today a new service is available to bridge existing applications with SSO (Single Sign On) support to the VeChain ecosystem.

Auth-Service for Sync2

An OAuth2 and OpenID Connect Server is now available for implementation.

Even the simplest Wordpress-Installation can now support a VeChain-Sign-In.

The Documentation with details and examples are available here:

It was tested successfully with IFTTT, Symfony PHP Framework, Wordpress, Auth0 – let us know if anything fails!

What it does

Right now the service asks users to sign random text with the Sync2-Wallet. This shares a verified wallet address.

The Auth-Service serves as a glue to connect Sync2-verification with any SSO (Single Sign On) supportive applications (like Wordpress).

Applications receive the wallet address and the ability to verify themself, in case it wants additional security.

Curious and suspicious developers are even able to verify an authentification using the access token:

What will come

In the future on-chain-information might be added during the authentication process. Possible extension are X-Node-Status or Nicknames from open marketplaces to allow additional personalization of user profiles.

Do you have any ideas or suggestions? Visit our Discord and let us know!

